6 – Deep Sea Echoes

Parents: Make sure your device’s microphone is turned on. You may get a pop-up asking whether to allow the WeDo program to use the microphone; click “Yes” or “Allow” so that this chapter can work.

One thing that makes the robot dolphin special is that instead of a tail, it has wheels and swims on land! Here’s how to build it:

Dolphins use something called “echolocation” to find things in the water. To echolocate, dolphins send out sound waves from the mouth or nose. When the sound waves hit an object, they bounce off the object and returns to the dolphin’s ears.
Program the robot dolphin to use Echolocation by making it activate when you make a sound. Use the microphone block and make sure your device’s microphone is turned on.
Click here if you need a coding hint!
Add the distance sensor on the robot dolphin. Can you make it stop when it gets close to something?